AmeriCorps*VISTA Promotes Amachi Expansion

Since its inception in September 2000, Amachi has gone from serving 300 children in Philadelphia to serving more than 2,300 children in 85 locations. The Corporation of National and Community Service has played a vital role in this expansion. In August 2003, the Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Amachi, agreeing to award 55 slots for AmeriCorps*VISTA members to the Amachi program. During the last year, these members were placed in 21 programs in 16 states. They have supported Amachi programs in various ways, from helping to recruit children and volunteers to assisting in the screening and match process.

In Milwaukee, AmeriCorps*VISTA volunteer Tami Moore is responsible for setting up enrollment interviews, doing reference checks and attending volunteer-recruiting events. Although her one-year term ends in February 2005, Moore says she is considering reapplying for another year. “I think if I stay another year we can get the word out in the community a whole lot better about Amachi,” said Moore. “I just want to see how the program grows and the outcomes of everything.”

The Corporation has awarded another 55 VISTA slots for the 2004-05 program year. Currently members are stationed in 21 programs, in 17 states. The Corporation plans to continually support Amachi as long as its budget permits, according to Jorina Ahmed, Pennsylvania State director for the Corporation. However, most AmeriCorps*VISTA programs last three years, she said.

AmeriCorps*VISTA members agree to serve in an assignment for one year. During that service year they receive a nominal monthly living allowance that varies by state but averages around $800 per month. The Corporation provides the living allowance, along with health- and life-insurance coverage. At the completion of their year of service, members can select to receive a bonus stipend of $1,200, or an education award of $4,625, which can be used for college tuition or to pay off an existing education loan. The AmeriCorps*VISTA program requires a commitment of 40 hours per week, with days and hours of service varying depending on the project’s needs. During their year of service members cannot be employed or enrolled in school. The value of a member position, including the living allowance but not the health- and life-insurance coverage, is approximately $10,500.

The Corporation is pleased with the outcome of its financial commitment to Amachi. “Overall the program has been immensely successful in terms of getting projects up and running and increasing the matches that they have,” said Ahmed. “I think it’s phenomenal that [there are] so many sites that are operating and are good sites.”

Sites that have flourished the most are those that communicate regularly, have well-trained supervisors, have a clear understanding of what is expected for the Amachi program, know exactly what they want from the AmeriCorps*VISTA members and communicate this to them up front, according to Ahmed.

“Volunteers need a lot of support,” said Ahmed. “They just do. They are working for not a whole lot of money this year. Many of them are away from home. Housing is expensive. So they need that extra support, and they need some real clarity about what their roles are.”

Despite the challenges, Moore said she is able to stay focused on her objectives. She would advise new AmeriCorps*VISTA members to, “when you’re having a bad day, just think of all the children who are out there doing a whole lot worse than you are,” said Moore. “That’s what keeps me going every day.”
This is the type of attitude that has helped Amachi forge ahead across the country. “I think Amachi has taken on a life of its own, and we don’t know where the next couple of years beyond the three years with VISTA might lead,” said Ahmed. “It’s taken on its own national stature.”


Winter 2004